C++ GUI Libraries
14 Dec 2015So, one of the many projects that I have been working on as of late is a game engine for a small game studio called Near The Resolution. Really awesome people to work for, lemme tell ya. They are allowing me to release the engine under one of my crazy “No Rights Reserved” licenses. I have learned that one of the unfortunate parts of game design is that if you’re not using C++ then you are essentially doomed to having to rewrite the wheel. After a lot of research, I settled on utilizing SFML as the basis of the game engine, because it is released under zlib.
One of the many, I suppose, features of C++ is that a number of libraries are available for solving things without having to rewrite the wheel. This makes me personally uncomfortable on a number of levels, but that comes with “C Hacker Syndrome” which I definitely suffer from. Anyways, I decided that I would attempt to put this.. feature to my advantage, and find a GUI library that works properly with SFML, is clean and simple, and is small.
Turns out, this isn’t actually possible.
SFGUI is the first thing I spent time working on. The problem with SFGUI is it suffers from “There’s a fleck on the speck on the tail on the frog on the bump on the branch on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea” Syndrome. If you want to make a button, for example.
// Create the label.
m_label = sfg::Label::Create( "Hello world!" );
// Create a simple button and connect the click signal.
auto button = sfg::Button::Create( "Greet SFGUI!" );
button->GetSignal( sfg::Widget::OnLeftClick ).Connect( std::bind( &HelloWorld::OnButtonClick, this ) );
// Create a vertical box layouter with 5 pixels spacing and add the label
// and button to it.
auto box = sfg::Box::Create( sfg::Box::Orientation::VERTICAL, 5.0f );
box->Pack( m_label );
box->Pack( button, false );
// Create a window and add the box layouter to it. Also set the window's title.
auto window = sfg::Window::Create();
window->SetTitle( "Hello world!" );
window->Add( box );
// Create a desktop and add the window to it.
sfg::Desktop desktop;
desktop.Add( window );
// We're not using SFML to render anything in this program, so reset OpenGL
// states. Otherwise we wouldn't see anything.
So you want a button. There’s a Label on the button in the box on the window on the desktop in the SFML window on the openGL at the bottom of the code tree. Needless to say, this lasted about five minutes in our source tree before I broke down sobbing. Not to mention, the entire system renders in its own area of the main SFML window. So when I tried to make an SFGUI button in the SFML window on top of our background, yeah it didn’t go to well, and I don’t need another engine on top of the engine on top of this game engine. That’s just.. absurd. Not to mention the documentation sucks. I hate crappy documentation.
TGUI bills itself as the “Simple GUI” for SFML. So naturally, I was really quite excited to try it out. Until I figured out it required configuration files, and every button had to be an image or it wouldn’t render. So in theory, you couldn’t have a completely transparent button, which is one of the things that this game will require. Secondly, if you require a configuration syntax, you are not a simple library. Ever. All I want is to be able to call methods that create a button.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Or so I believed. Problem is, CEGUI actually contains its own OpenGL renderer, which is redundant on top of SFML. There is never a reason to have two OpenGL renderers, they will conflict. Furthermore, CEGUI requires XML. Which is -not- a simple library. They claim that this is to reduce the frustration of having to change your code to adjust the GUI interface, but I would rather adjust my code than end up dependent on XML files.
Conclusion ### {: #cpp-library-hell-conclusion }
At the end of the day, All I really need to do for this particular engine is lay out a few menus and then a general presentation on top of those for the in game content. So I used Thor to render shapes, and then I’m writing my own logic on top of that. This gives me total control over the implementation, and the logic of the GUI system. Maybe I’m strange in that I don’t mind having to change values in my code and recompile, but I honestly prefer to do that. Control over individual placement makes sense, and most of the time I define my placement on top of positioning logic, so in those cases it makes more sense to have it in the code than in an external file.