14 Dec 2015
So, one of the many projects that I have been working on as of late is a game
engine for a small game studio called Near The Resolution. Really awesome
people to work for, lemme tell ya. They are allowing me to release the engine
under one of my crazy “No Rights Reserved” licenses. I have learned that one
of the unfortunate parts of game design is that if you’re not using C++ then
you are essentially doomed to having to rewrite the wheel. After a lot of
research, I settled on utilizing SFML as the basis of the game engine, because
it is released under zlib.
One of the many, I suppose, features of C++ is that a number of libraries are
available for solving things without having to rewrite the wheel. This makes me
personally uncomfortable on a number of levels, but that comes with
“C Hacker Syndrome” which I definitely suffer from. Anyways, I decided
that I would attempt to put this.. feature to my advantage, and find a GUI
library that works properly with SFML, is clean and simple, and is small.
Turns out, this isn’t actually possible.
SFGUI is the first thing I spent time working on. The problem with SFGUI is it
suffers from “There’s a fleck on the speck on the tail on the frog on the bump
on the branch on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea” Syndrome. If you
want to make a button, for example.
// Create the label.
m_label = sfg::Label::Create( "Hello world!" );
// Create a simple button and connect the click signal.
auto button = sfg::Button::Create( "Greet SFGUI!" );
button->GetSignal( sfg::Widget::OnLeftClick ).Connect( std::bind( &HelloWorld::OnButtonClick, this ) );
// Create a vertical box layouter with 5 pixels spacing and add the label
// and button to it.
auto box = sfg::Box::Create( sfg::Box::Orientation::VERTICAL, 5.0f );
box->Pack( m_label );
box->Pack( button, false );
// Create a window and add the box layouter to it. Also set the window's title.
auto window = sfg::Window::Create();
window->SetTitle( "Hello world!" );
window->Add( box );
// Create a desktop and add the window to it.
sfg::Desktop desktop;
desktop.Add( window );
// We're not using SFML to render anything in this program, so reset OpenGL
// states. Otherwise we wouldn't see anything.
So you want a button. There’s a Label on the button in the box on the window
on the desktop in the SFML window on the openGL at the bottom of the code tree.
Needless to say, this lasted about five minutes in our source tree before I
broke down sobbing. Not to mention, the entire system renders in its own area
of the main SFML window. So when I tried to make an SFGUI button in the SFML
window on top of our background, yeah it didn’t go to well, and I don’t need
another engine on top of the engine on top of this game engine. That’s just..
absurd. Not to mention the documentation sucks. I hate crappy documentation.
TGUI bills itself as the “Simple GUI” for SFML. So naturally, I was really
quite excited to try it out. Until I figured out it required configuration
files, and every button had to be an image or it wouldn’t render. So in theory,
you couldn’t have a completely transparent button, which is one of the things
that this game will require. Secondly, if you require a configuration syntax,
you are not a simple library. Ever. All I want is to be able to call methods
that create a button.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Or so I believed. Problem is,
CEGUI actually contains its own OpenGL renderer, which is redundant on top of
SFML. There is never a reason to have two OpenGL renderers, they will conflict.
Furthermore, CEGUI requires XML. Which is -not- a simple library. They claim
that this is to reduce the frustration of having to change your code to adjust
the GUI interface, but I would rather adjust my code than end up dependent on
XML files.
Conclusion ### {: #cpp-library-hell-conclusion }
At the end of the day, All I really need to do for this particular engine is
lay out a few menus and then a general presentation on top of those for the
in game content. So I used Thor to render shapes, and then I’m writing my
own logic on top of that. This gives me total control over the implementation,
and the logic of the GUI system. Maybe I’m strange in that I don’t mind having
to change values in my code and recompile, but I honestly prefer to do that.
Control over individual placement makes sense, and most of the time I define
my placement on top of positioning logic, so in those cases it makes more sense
to have it in the code than in an external file.
02 Dec 2015
So I recently purchased a new MacBook Pro, and in the time it took me to get the
device, add in all my new stuff, migrate everything over, establish a new
backup system, and contend with school work, this blog ended up becoming very
neglected. It didn’t help matters much when I logged on from Safari and
realised none of my fonts were working properly.
I believe I have now solved the font issue (woff files vs woff2 files), and I
have completed all the setup of this system, including getting my ruby workflow
transitioned. So, in theory, we will be able to get back to the good stuff here
I have recently joined a small game development startup with some very talented
people, and was berated into using C++ for the game by the way this particular
industry works, so you can expect some future posts about my frustrations with
developing a cross platform game engine in C++.
The goal, for now, is to do the following:
- Write a post on backup software evaluation, and why I went with the software
I did go with.
- Finish up the Icinga2 Tutorials that have driven quite a lot of traffic to
this page.
- Write some stuff on game design.
So we will see how that works out. As always, thanks for reading.
P.S. I have decided that I don’t really like having analytics on this page,
so over the next few days I am going to root through the code and remove them.
Thank you for your patience.
08 Sep 2015
I just spent the past thirty minutes going back and removing a number of the
links that were in my posts up to this point. Nothing important, just links
to Wikipedia or Man Pages, but after speaking with a few friends, I realized
the links weren’t exactly as useful as I thought they were. In addition to this
my build time on Travis-CI had hit about four minutes and all I have to build
is about eight pages, so that’s absurd, and not really scalable. All the
important links have been left in, along with any interesting or amusing ones.
If you are looking for the links, you can go into the github repository for
this site, and look for the commits prior to “Automatic Commit: cleaning up
This also helps to maintain my sanity, so there’s that. Fifty links in one
article was causing me to worry quite a lot about dead links.
07 Sep 2015
EDIT (2018/12/09): These guides haven’t been updated since 2015. It is
possible that there are dead links, or that the configuration syntax has changed
dramatically. These posts are also some of the most popular on my blog. I plan
to do a new guide eventually, but for right now please take the following
entries with a grain of salt.
Introduction ## {: #icinga2-part-4-introduction }
Well I have finally persuaded myself to continue writing these posts by
completely deleting all the configuration I had already set up. It is worth
noting that I have switched over to Debian Jessie, for no other reason than
to cause myself more frustration and suffering. Anyways, let’s get started.
SNMP is considered an Agent-Based Check, and is actually quite
flexible. You can even go as far as to code in custom return options, to check
things you normally wouldn’t be able to check over snmp, for example,
apt status, and other such things.
It is worth noting that due to using a very small LAN, I will not be
fiddling around with SNMPv3, I will be going with straight SNMPv1,
just with a modified community string. We will get started with my core
router, Djehuti. It is outside the scope of this tutorial to discuss
how to enable SNMP on your device, but if you use a Ubiquiti device,
hey that might come soon.
Starting from this post forward, I will be embedding code here instead of
referring to an external link, as embedding will encourage me to be a bit more
complete in my explanations. So, with all of that said, let’s get started.
Initial Setup
To monitor SNMP we will be using the Manubulon SNMP Plugins. So we first
need to install them.
zyradyl@captor:~$ sudo apt-get install nagios-snmp-plugins
Now we need to open up the main Icinga2 Configuration file and add in the
proper include to allow us to use these plugins. You may notice while poking
around this file that there are many things you either don’t need or would like
to change. I do plan to come back to this file at a later time, but feel free to
edit this file before that happens. Once you have made the proper changes,
restart Icinga2 so the new settings take effect.
zyradyl@captor:~$ sudo vim /etc/icinga2/icinga2.conf
include <manubulon>
zyradyl@captor:~$ sudo service icinga2 restart
With that, we can move on to creating configuration files!
We will be starting with my core router, which is running SNMPv1. The first
thing we will want to do is to add some essential variables to our host
directive so that we don’t have to redefine them with every service.
// Host Declaration Block
object Host "djehuti.zyradyl.org" {
// Define the host IPv4 Address
address = ""
// Define a basic functionality test
// Hostalive does a basic ICMP ECHO to the target
// specified in the address directive.
check_command = "hostalive"
// Define SNMP Variables
vars.snmp_address = ""
vars.snmp_community = "zyradyl"
// These are not strictly needed. I add them
// so I know at a glance what version of snmp
// I am using.
vars.snmp_v2 = "false"
vars.snmp_v3 = "false"
The new additions are any of the var.snmp*
commands located under the
line. With our host variables set up, we can now move on to
defining a service. The first service defined in the
Icinga2 Manubulon Documentation is the snmp-load
check. Seems like a
good starting place to me!
// Service Declaration Block
// Service: snmp_load
// Description: Uses SNMP commands to check the load averages
// on the device.
object Service "snmp-load" {
host_name = "djehuti.zyradyl.org"
// Set the type of load check to use.
vars.snmp_load_type = "netsl"
// Set the Load Average warning threshold.
vars.snmp_warn = "5,3,2"
// Set the Load Average critical threshold.
vars.snmp_crit = "6,5,3"
check_command = "snmp-load"
I feel I should take a minute to explain the warning and critical variables,
because the icinga2 documentation doesn’t do a very good job. When checking
load averages on *nix systems, there are three parameters:
- Average Load over one minute
- Average Load over five Minutes
- Average Load over fifteen minutes
Since my router is a dual core device, I have set it up so that if the system
is at full load for 15 minutes, I get a warning. If it has one process over
full load for five minutes, I get a warning. If it is three processes over full
load in one minute, I want a warning. Same thing applies to critical. If you
are trying to figure out what to set your levels at, I tend to use the following
- Warning:
- 1min: 2*(Number of Cores)+1
- 5min: (Number of Cores)+1
- 15min: (Number of Cores)
- Critical:
- 1min: 3*(Number of Cores)
- 5min: 2*(Number of Cores)+1
- 15min: (Number of Cores)+1
Once you have your file saved, restart Icinga2, and check the web interface.
Your new check will likely have an Unknown Status in purple, just click on
the check, and manually run it by clicking “Check Now” in the right most panel.
With that, we can move on to the next check!
// Service Declaration Block
// Service: SNMP-Memory
// Description: Uses SNMP commands to check status of RAM
// and swap on the device.
object Service "snmp-memory" {
host_name = "djehuti.zyradyl.org"
// Set the Memory warning for Ram and swap Respectively.
// Uses percents.
vars.snmp_warn = "50,0"
vars.snmp_crit = "80,0"
check_command = "snmp-memory"
The warning and critical values are expressed as percentages of the total
amount of their applicable setting. The first one applies to RAM and the second
value corresponds to swap. Restart Icinga2 and log on to the web interface to
check that the new service works.
// Service Declaration Block
// Service: SNMP-Storage
// Description: Uses SNMP commands to check the status of disk
// storage space.
object Service "snmp-storage" {
host_name = "djehuti.zyradyl.org"
// Uses percents.
vars.snmp_warn = "50"
vars.snmp_crit = "80"
// Specify which partition to monitor
vars.snmp_storage_name = "/root.dev"
check_command = "snmp-storage"
The snmp_storage_name
variable is used to specify which device you want to
check the status of. If you aren’t sure which device you need to check, set
it to blank, then let it run. It will return a list of partitions that you can
check. Simply enter the name into that variable and you are good to go.
Just as memory, snmp-storage
uses percent values in the warning and critical
threshold variables.
I personally like to specify a different service block for each interface
that I am monitoring, so I am not sure if it is possible to mix interfaces
together, but I don’t see any reason it wouldn’t be possible. I’m going to
list the interface configurations below, and if any variables need to be
explained I will do that below the code.
// Service Declaration Block
// Service: SNMP-Interface
// Description: Uses SNMP commands to check the status of
// various network interfaces on device.
object Service "snmp-int-lan" {
host_name = "djehuti.zyradyl.org"
// Define interface variables.
vars.snmp_interface = "eth0"
vars.snmp_interface_label = "LAN"
vars.snmp_interface_perf = "true"
vars.snmp_interface_bits_bytes = "true"
vars.snmp_interface_megabytes = "true"
vars.snmp_interface_noregexp = "true"
vars.snmp_warncrit_percent = "true"
// Set warning and crits to 100 to disable.
vars.snmp_warn = "100,100"
vars.snmp_crit = "100,100"
check_command = "snmp-interface"
// Service Declaration Block
// Service: SNMP-Interface
// Description: Uses SNMP commands to check the status of
// various network interfaces on device.
object Service "snmp-int-wan" {
host_name = "djehuti.zyradyl.org"
// Define interface variables.
vars.snmp_interface = "eth1"
vars.snmp_interface_label = "WAN"
vars.snmp_interface_perf = "true"
vars.snmp_interface_bits_bytes = "true"
vars.snmp_interface_megabytes = "true"
vars.snmp_interface_noregexp = "true"
vars.snmp_warncrit_percent = "true"
// Set warning and crits to 100 to disable.
vars.snmp_warn = "100,100"
vars.snmp_crit = "100,100"
check_command = "snmp-interface"
// Service Declaration Block
// Service: SNMP-Interface
// Description: Uses SNMP commands to check the status of
// various network interfaces on device.
object Service "snmp-int-dmz" {
host_name = "djehuti.zyradyl.org"
// Define interface variables.
vars.snmp_interface = "eth2"
vars.snmp_interface_label = "DMZ"
vars.snmp_interface_perf = "true"
vars.snmp_interface_bits_bytes = "true"
vars.snmp_interface_megabytes = "true"
vars.snmp_interface_noregexp = "true"
vars.snmp_warncrit_percent = "true"
// Set warning and crits to 100 to disable.
vars.snmp_warn = "100,100"
vars.snmp_crit = "100,100"
check_command = "snmp-interface"
So a few things in here need some explanation. The variable
specifies which interface we will be checking.
is related to this in that it tells icinga2
to not use regex matching. vars.snmp_interface_label
configures a label
that will be shown in the console. vars.snmp_interface_megabytes
, and
tells Icinga2 that we want to see bandwidth
measured in megabits. These variables can be adjusted accordingly. Finally,
tells Icinga2 that we want to monitor bandwidth
As for warning and critical values, while I like to monitor my bandwidth, I
don’t actually care how high it goes, at least not at the moment. More relevant
than that is the fact that my bandwidth is much less than a gigabit, but let’s
move on from that. vars.snmp_warncrit_percent
says that we are going to
specify our warning and critical thresholds as a percent of total available
bandwidth on that port. I then set vars.snmp_warn
, and vars.snmp_crit
100 so that it is effectively disabled.
Once activating these services, you should reset Icinga2. It is worth noting
that you will first get a pending, and then an unknown status for about five
minutes, depending on your check time. Icinga compares the newest reading to
a previous reading that is sufficently old enough, which is usually about five
minutes, to calculate what has changed. Until you have a row in the database
that is the proper age, you will get a big Unknown status. Nothing to worry
about, check back in a half hour.
Conclusion ## {: #icinga2-part-4-conclusion }
There is one more snmp check that is available, and that is the process check.
While I previously used this setup on my core router, it ended up causing some
rather wonky effects, so I have elected to not use it. This check would be
useful to monitor the status of a mission critical process, such as a webserver
or even a database server. It works by searching the process list for the number
of times a string appears, and then going from there. I may cover this in the
future, but I won’t be at the moment.
Thank you for reading, and I hope to have part five up with less of a lag time.
I am also planning to do Icinga2 integration with slack soon, so stay tuned
for that!
22 Aug 2015
So before I went to bed last night I started experiencing some very odd issues
with my connection. I could connect to Skype, but I couldn’t visit twitter.
I could talk to Google, but not GitHub. I was able to ping my HT1100 gateway,
but my Icinga2 monitoring system reported a socket timeout of longer than 10
seconds on HTTP.
I spent about three hours on it before I finally went to bed. I even went as
far as to spend five more dollars to purchase a 500MB token in order to see
if maybe I was being penalized for using too much data in my throttled state,
as I have been making use of aria2 to manage large downloads that would
otherwise suffer from a mysterious decryption failure when I was downloading
via HTTPS. Didn’t help.
This morning I bit the bullet and changed my LAN’s MTU from 1280 to 1500.
You may be wondering why I refer to this as having to bite the bullet, since
an MTU of 1500 is standard. Well, come to find out that PMTUD is broken on
HughesNet. Something about what is done on the HughesNet side causes the
packets to become too large. Now, IPv6 is supposed to handle this by sending
ICMPv6 Type 2 “Packet too Large” notices to the end point. While debugging
PMTUD the other day (about a week ago) I set up my firewall so that ALL
ICMPv6 is allowed, rather than having to itemize the different types. Still,
no good. I was getting silent failures that I had to use test-ipv6.com to
resolve, and they still indicated packets were becoming too large for my
connection. In a fit of irritation, I set my entire LAN to an MTU of 1280.
Eureka, I have IPv6 functionality.
Obviously after last night, I can’t exactly use that solution anymore, for
a reason I have yet to understand. So my MTU is set back to 1500, and without
using HughesNet’s squid proxy (what they call web acceleration), IPv6 fails.
Oh, I didn’t mention that did I? Yeah, their web acceleration lets IPv6 work.
However, I run my own squid proxy, locally, which is even faster than theirs.
It also saves me bandwidth. So I keep web acceleration off.
- Web Acceleration On = PMTUD works, IPv6 BUT I have double caching. Not good.
- Web Acceleration Off = IPv6 Fails. Not acceptable.
Just to see if I could get something reset in the modem, I even called tech
support. The solution of “It is a problem with your LAN” was obvious, but still
frustrating due to the issues described above. However, I am planning to reach
out to their support today via social media, so I am pushing this article live,
without links, just so I have something to refer to. I will come back to link
to the major terms in this a little later. Wish me luck.